Does anyone remember a local television meterologist named "Judy" in relation to the 1989 earthquake? : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I was having a discussion with someone who lived in San Francisco during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Right now I am currently looking for information on so-called "crisis management" and how individuals can become leaders in catastrophic times.

Basically, I was pointed to a local television meteorologist named "Judy" who appearantly gained a bit of notoriety after the earthquake because she helped calmed the public during these trying times.

Since my information is the product of someone else's recollection of the earthquake fourteen years ago, I apologize if I am not accurate at all.

I just wanted any information, even her last name or the station she worked at, including any personal memories of her actions on-the-air would be extremely helpful.

Thank you very much.

-- Zachary Ramirez (, July 15, 2003


i don't remember

-- Your Full Name (Zachary Ramirez (, August 18, 2003.

judy bloom. you know, the author.

-- renee provencher (, July 08, 2004.

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