greenspun.com : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Is there anyone out there who has a copy of the MIG policy relating to their mortgage which shows their name ?


-- M Amos (idgroms@hotmail.com), July 17, 2003



The only thing the Halifax sent me was a "block policy". It had no information relating to me at all - no name, mortgage number, address or anything. It wasn't even signed or dated.

What are you thinking Mark?


-- One Angry Mother (Madcow678@hotmail.com), July 22, 2003.

No When I asked for a copy of the MIG they consistently said they were unable to provide the information requested but with no particular reason - same with the mortgage deed. What they did send was a blank mortgage deed.

-- (pptay@talk21.co.uk), July 27, 2003.

I seem to think I've asked the same question on this site before. It is strange indeed how reticent lenders are on this question, is it not?

-- Melody (mbc109@york.ac.uk), August 14, 2003.

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