What happened last night on Kenshin.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I couldn't record last night because I was on a plane and I really want to know what happened. Thank you so much. TTYL. = -)

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003


not much really. as you know kenshin was in the hallway on his way to miss karou and the others, but he stoped in front of a door because he sensed Aoshi was behind those doors and he had made a promise to Misao to bring him back. so he enters and notices that Aoshi has changed and is now a creature of chaos. he has thrown away all dis egard for life including his own. kenshin seeing him like this refuses to fight him because he's not the same man he made a promise to have a rematch with. Aoshi still attacks and kenshin uses the bookshelves around him for defense but is finally made to draw his sword. they fight some and kenshin gets a good hit in. kenshin then start talking about how having the will to live is much stronger than not caring whether you live or die and because he now has the will to live he can fight with all his strength without turning into the manslayer. kenshin then says that what Aoshi is doing to have the title of the best is wrong and hhim not caring if he dies is the cowards way. Aoshi then starts realizing that what kenshin is saying is true. the episode ends with them still in the room and Aoshi is just looking at kenshin i guess still thinking about those things that kenshin said. i hope this helps.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003

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