Anyone know where I can download Rurouni Kenshin episodes not on sites like kazaa?! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I've been searching for a way to download the Rurouni Kenshin episodes ever since they were moved from toonami on cartoon network to only saturdays. Thing is I can't use sites like kazaa, or even kazaalite.

Any suggestions of where else I can possibly download the episodes? I've been searching on google for hours but no luck so far.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003


It's highly unlikely you'll be able to find them on an actual site. Most fansubbers don't share out licensed series.

Biggest suggestion is to get a paying streamload account and give me and email and I can beam you all the Kenshin files I have in my account. That's about the only option you have, but it'll cost money.

Free option is to get a p2p software, but if you can't use Kazaa or Kazaalite, you probably can't use DC or IRC then. Might not even be able to use BT. No one out there has the space or bandwith to share out complete episodes on there site.

Just go buy the dvds. They aren't expensive.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003

yes it is hard to find anime downloads but unlike the guy before said its not impossible. There are many sites which i know off which offer a massive range of episodes. There are just a few of about 40 websites i know which offer full episodes of different animes if anyone would like to know more email me or add me to your msn. Times are changing the future is anime!

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2003

Pff... that's foolish. I have three solutions for you.

Firstly, you can get them from , all you have to do is create an account and have a 1 to 1 upload/download ratio.

Secondly, you can also find the series at under the TV series section.

Otherwise, you might want to order the DVDs off They sell imported dvds from South-East Asia for much, much cheaper. The RuKen episodes come dubbed, with a nice collectors edition box for 110$. There are also many other series, such as Trigun and Berserk that they sell for about 30-50$.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003

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