Where can I get Onegai Teacher bit Torrents?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Where can I get Onegai Teacher bit Torrents? I've been looking forever.
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003
um... animesuki?... I definetly saw it there..
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003
Its not there but they do have Onegai Twins
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003
oh... I think is licensed... :(you option then will be IRC or kazaa
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003
Heres a website that has all the Onegai Teacher episodes. Plus it doesn't use gay ass BT. http://www.filefront.com/r.b/page__category_list/_filepath__/hazard Its under the folder Anime 2
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003