Prétear!!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hi folks!!

I just watched a new anime, pretear! It has handsome bishonen, cheecky girls and brats! It's a comedy+romance+little action story.


-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003


Response to Prétear!!!


-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003

Response to Prétear!!!

WEEEEEE! PRETEAR! I only saw a subbed tape, but I love Hayate! and Shin, the cutie who comes out of a flower!

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003

Response to Prétear!!!

Yeah, Pretear is really great! ^_^ My favourite charas are Hayate (who else? ^^), & Sasame. And Wind-Pretear has the best outfit (feel free to disagree). :-) There is only 1 thing that bothers me. Why are there only 13 eps?!?! Not fair. >_<

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2003

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