Cowboy Bebop crew all dead? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
i've heard from some people that in the cowboy bebop episode #11 (Toys in the attic) after the whole crew is bitten by the ghost lobster that they all die! i dont think that could be since they all come back in Jupiter Jazz, but i still does anyone know if they really did die?
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
They don't all die. They were just very sick and close to death but that's it. They all return and are fine. Plus don't forget to label your spoilers. ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
Last time I checked, ED ate the bugger, never got bitten by it.
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
no, hahaha i will haunt this forum^__^ mwahaha
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
if the die why would there still be 15 more episodes and a movie?
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
Hey wait a sec, wasn't that the last episode though? I thought that was ep. 26
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
Ok, Lets get this straight, "Toys in the Attic" was Session 11. That is smack dab in the middle of the series. So no, nobody died from the Ganymede Rock Lobster bites. They did get sick and comatose, but that's about it. The series continues up to Session 26,( or Session 27 "Collection Blues" that never made it to US) and everybody is seen throughout. Let me repeat - No one Died from Lobster bites.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003