Want to buy coffee seeds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

I am interested in coffee seeds from around the world. Hopefully these seeds are viable and will be able to sprout.

Please email me with any inquiries or information.

Thank you,


-- Tom Hunt (tom@citizenhunt.com), July 22, 2003


Dear Tom Hunt (tom@citizenhunt.com)

I am interested as well in coffee seeds from around the world. that will be able to sprout. If you have any nformation please send me an email.

Thanking you in advance, Anthimos Christodoulides

-- Anthimos Christodoulides (anthimos@cytanet.com.cy), October 14, 2003.

Hi, I am looking to purchase coffee seeds from around the world as well. I have found a web sight that sent me Kona and two other types of coffee seeds. However they do not back up their product. Im still looking. E mail me if you find anything. Mike

-- Mike (mikemarz000@msn.com), January 13, 2004.

HUNG BINH CO,.LTD Address: 14 National Road - Pleiku town Gia Lai Province - VIETNAM. Our company specticalize in coffee-beans and coffee-roasted export. Annually Hung Binh export 45 to 50 thousand metric-tons of coffee- beans per year and can produce any hight quality products on customer requests.( including : ROBUTAS 1: Screen :(18) , above Screen : 90% min ,Blacks and broken max 0.5- 2%, foreign matter 0.2% max, moisture max 12.5%, ) Robusta 1: ( Screen (16), above Screen : 90%, moisture max 12.5%, Blacks and broken max 2 %, foreign matter 0.2-0.5 % Robusta 2 : ( Screen (13 or 14), above Screen : 90%, moisture max 12.5%, Blacks and broken max 3-5 %, foreign matter 0.5 -1 % , Our prestige has asserted in home market and the foreign Market . We have technically experienced employees . We are looking for the buyer to import our product Thank you to you take care of our information. For more information, please contract us. Tell: 84-59-820902 ; Mobi : 0913.450519 fax:84-059-820793 Web: www.HungBinhCoffee.com Email: huongbinh.com@dng.vnn.vn : hb@hungbinhcoffee.com Youthfully

Mrs :Le Thi Thanh Binh

-- Le Thi Thanh Binh (hb@hungbinhcoffee.com), January 29, 2004.

Dear sir,

We,Excel overseas Corporation,are one of the leading Exporters in India. Kindly place your valuable enquiries with our company formally for coffeee seeds with detailed specification like quality and quantity and target price etc.please

Thanks&Kind regards,

For Excel Overseas Corporation

R.Suriyamoorthy Chief Executive Officer

-- R.Suriyamoorthy (suriyamoorthy@vsnl.net), May 19, 2004.

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