Miroku and bikes?(an inuyasha Question)

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Ok.Around episode 16 were they first meet miroku and he takes the shikon shard and kagime's bike.How does he know how to ride a NO TRAINING wheel bike?-I'm 11yrs old and yet i still dunno how to do so that well.

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003


hmm....monk training? or maybe rumiko takahashi thought that was funny^_^

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

That queston has been in my head for a while.

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

ya haha i thought that was wierd too, when i first read it in the manga^_^

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

I've always wondered how he learned to ride a bike. Maybe they had something similar i his training like a stick with 2 wheels for balance...I dunno

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

My new email is inu-kun@excite.com.Hey anyways-Miroku's my fav. character.I also noticed that through out the seiries when ever kagome falls(episode 22-she falls real badley here)where are the scratches?!?!?oh and on episode4-where yura is at)kagome leaves her bike at a forest.and they never show her getting it back-even thought she did.Through out the beginning of the series Inuyasha and kagome venture throught the well many times with out the shard cause yura takes it from her.At episode-19 inuyasha hugs kagome takes the shard and trows her in the well.After that kagome says she is unabled to go back without the shikon no tama.Oh and for those who don't know whats gonna happen after ep.118 the shinintai people are gonna die.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

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