just a question who thinks hentai is good/bad?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

who thinks hentai is a good thing or a bad thing?

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003


k - if you think hentai is bad, your gay.

End of discussion.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

I like some hentai not just for the porn but SOME have good stoey lines.So i dont think a little hentai is bad.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

hentai is a good thing.. but i only watch the good ones...

cuz some hentais are juz... weird..

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

some r just sick sick sick

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

ECCHI is better.... hentai is just too porn... normaly hentai's are very sick. rapes, and distubing shit.. very little ones are good.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

i don't like hentai, i think its bad

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

I like Hentai very much. Hentai is good. If you see a naked Bulma or a naked Videl, you like Hentai too! or isn't so?

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

The word 'hentai' means something abnormal, so it's true that most of hentai contain sick things. There are abnormal people in this world who likes those kind of things. But not all hentai are bad, some have good storyline, not just sick and sick things.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

i find henatai gross and distasteful but its a free world and if people like it then they can

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003


-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

Not much hentai is worth watching (animation/storywise) and a lot of them have disturbing themes (rape etc) but in the end it's just animated porn. I'm sure there is lots of porn with such disturbing themes.

Btw anyone who thinks hentai is crap should try watching Bible Black.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

what's the difference between hentai and eicchi? i find both of them kinda the same

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

hentai is equivalent to anime porn. eicchi is not that 'extreme', as in they normally dun show the body parts but the sexual theme is still there more for comic purposes

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

Btw does anyone know where to find Bible Black 5 uncensored & subbed? I tried Overnet but the ones it has are fakes.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

La Blue Girl... Nuf said.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

I don't like hentai when it's like raping and stuff!But sometimes I do like to some girls naked.Damn I love boobs!!!

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003

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