Direct Connect : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What is direct connect? How and where do i get it? and how would i use it to d/l anime?

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003


um, if you use AiM [america-online instant messaging] and direct connect is a feature of AiM where you establish a direct connection with the other user you are chatting to. Direct connect is tricky if either of you has a firewall though. If you establish a D/C then you can send each other files (ie. anime avi's) at decent speeds (depends on your conn.) You can get AiM here :

Another example of a direct connection would be if you logged on to Mirc (which is a chat/fileshare prog.) and if you go to one of the channels and don't upset the mods you can d/l from there by typig a "cue" command to get a list of files (usually !list) that you can d/l from, and they will give you a list of commands called "triggers" that tell the channel server to send you the file. I usually get files from here at 100 + kb/s

You can get Mirc here : there are also a few faqs there, you should read them if you plan to go on cuz mods are pretty tempermental with people new to the system 0,o anyway, hope I helped if you have any questions just post or e-mail me bye ^,-

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

This is probably a bit late reply but.... Direct connect is a file sharing p2p program, go here to get it. On this program, sorta like mirc, you have to enter a chatroom to download anything and mostly you have to share something usually around/approx. 20 gigs. Can read the getting started guide has more info.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

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