
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone know if downloading episodes would be illegal in Georgia? They just passed a law about downloading free music and I want to know if the episode downloading would be included.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003


Its illegal everywhere if there is a licensed copy of the anime being sold in your area. (but theres no way to stop downloads)

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

also, i recommed running adaware on your computer and then using KaZaA Lite (K++) instead of KaZaA. Adaware tells you what spyware is on your computer. (trust me, you at least have CyDoor if you've run KaZaA before) And since spyware is bad and it sends info about your computer to other computers, itd be wise to delete all the spyware off your computer. Anyway, get rid of your spyware and run KaZaA lite so you dont get it again.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

you know kazaap is also a program that scans for spyware, just get it from downloads.com if you can

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

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