japanese ps2's in america?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
does anybody know if it's possible to play a ps2 video game from japan on an american ps2 player? i konw you hafta have a special DVD player to watch DVD's from out of country and i'm wondering if the ps2 games are the same way.
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
I'm no expert... but I _think_ you can play foreign ps2 games on American players... it's just that you won't be able to read/understand anything! I could be completely wrong... but an answer is better than no answer!
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
technically you can, but you have open up the ps2 and put in a mod chip. otherwise you cant. On the other hand, you can always buy a japanese ps2 or an universal ps2.
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
Correctamundo...you have to have a mod-chip installed onto the PS2 motherboard for best results. This voids your warranty with Sony out and I have heard that the mod-chips (this was about 3 months ago, so things may have changed with newer chips) tend to fry the PS2. You can get a boot-disc flip top, or manage to get some other swap disc thing going, but that only gets you up to a 90% chance of being able to play the game. Check your local import store or go to NCSX.com (from what I've read these guys are tops in the business)or www.BuyRiteGames.com and check out the 'How to Play Imports' sections. Of course, the best way to go about this is to pay $250- $300 for a Japanese PS2.
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
As the person above said its either mod chip or modification to the system both nullifies the warranty thing... conflict comes from coding anyways :X
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003
Just opening the PS2 Shell voids the warntee
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003