can someone help me figure out what this song is from the cowboy bebop movie? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

i just wanted to know the name of the song when faye was in the ship near the beginning of the movie right before the oil tanker exploded. she was cganging the radio and found this station with that song on it. i'm sorry thats the best at describing i could do. please someone tell me the name of that song cause i would like to download it.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003


Let me think, let me think. I mut concentrate as I gaze into my magic 8-ball. The genie is telling me...'Cosmic Dare (Pretty with a Pistol)'. There you go, happy hunting.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

Damn it all to Hell; that 'mut' up there is supposed to be 'must'...I hate my typing.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

thank you soooo much. you've really helped me. :)

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

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