Taking communion away from active homosexuals

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I just wanted to know everyones thoughts about this....Recently in the media we have heard about Homosexuals becoming more accepted and granded news rights that they didnt have 30 years ago....But there is one thing I dont understand....Why is it that the church is pushing so hard to take away Eucharist from sexually active homosexuals? Isnt it already believed that you can not go to communion if you have sinned mortally without having confessed first? Well arnt the homosexuals sinning everytime they enter a homosexual relationship and act out on their erges? They already shouldnt be going to communion in the first place, so why is it being pushed by the church about taking Eucharist away from homosexuals who act out on their erges? If the homosexuals who act out are taking communion, They are already sinning anyhow, especially if they know that homosexual "ACTS" and not being a homosexual is the sin!!!!

-- Marcus (dollarbill1981@gay.com), July 31, 2003


How is the Church "pushing so hard to take away Eucharist from sexually active homosexuals"? I know of no such effort on the part of the Church. As you said, clear guidelines are already in place regarding who may receive the Eucharist and under what conditions. This applies equally to all Catholics. What further efforts are being made regarding any specific group of people?

-- Paul (PaulCyp@cox.net), July 31, 2003.

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