thought give bittorent a go.. but dunno how to use : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
yo.. wassup you guys.. still lookin for mangas.. the only different thing is that i downloaded and install bittorent..ok.. i installed it.. and then..... how the hell??!!.. i mean.. theres nuthing to click or search or do anything..
i need some help.. even though i read faqs and all that stuff.. i still dont get it.. how do you download stuff??? i mean.. you go to the site where it has bittorent links.. and then???
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003
once BT is intalled, you just got to places like www.animesuki.comand d-load anime. when you start d-loading you will see what BT is.
BT doesnt have a "search" button go to animesuki and READ
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003
try it's a really good bitorrrent faq.
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003