INFO on DNAngel, Angel Sanctuary, and X. : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

ok,are you ready.first topic: i heard of this anime angel sanctuary and i would like to download it, i would like to know a place where i can download it and how many episodes it has. everytime i try to search for it on kazaa only 3 ovas show up. is that all that there is to that series? ok, second topic: i would like to know how many episodes there are in dnangel and where i could download them all. i heard there were like 36 or something but i'm not sure. ok, last topic: i don't know if anyone has heard of the anime X. if anyone has can someone tell me how many episodes it is and where i can find it? i thought it was only a movie, but hey that's why i'm asking cause i don't know. ok, thats it. sorry, i know thats a lot to ask for and thanks for any answers.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003


Hi. This is about "X". There's a movie and a tv series. The series has 24 eps. I'm currently watching the series right now, but I'm missing 4 eps to complete it. I'm having a bitch of a time finding the eps. Good luck.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

how did you get a hold of the episodes in the series?i have aim and you can share files on that. is there anyway that you are willing to trade or share those episodes? please i beg you. i really want to see the series. my screen name for aim is pouchita101. please.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

X the movie sux compared to the series. But if u want the series u can try buying it on ebay wit the subtitles(thats what i did). but good luck trying to find the series to download. btw it has 24 episodes. or u can go to wutever bookstore u have and look for the X/1999 graphic novel(i have like most of em).

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

DN Angel is only 26 episodes. And you have a better chance finding BTs of the new episodes than the old ones since it's been licensed, and it's hard to find the new ones as it is. But I have a secret site.

So my best suggestion is Kazaa.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

Hey ^_^ I'm responding to your Angel Sanctuary question. So far, Angel Sanctuary has only been animated as a movie. And from my knowledge, AS should only be one OVA, but since you're downloading it off of kazaa or wherever, the subber may have split it into 3 parts, not sure. You also might wanna try downloading off of IRC servers/channels. If you're still having trouble, just go to blockbuster or something to rent the dvd out ^^

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

thank you so much, i saw the dvd in blockbuster so i'll go rent it. thanks again.

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2003

squall23, wat secret site?? can share?? my dnangel source site, animesanctuary stop there @ episode 20.. :(

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003

For angels sanctuary, the japanese version is in three parts, but the english combined it into one. I heard that they're pre-releasing a series for it, but I'm not sure, anyone else here of this?

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

If any of you guys are still looking for DNAngel episodes to download you can use mIRC to download it. The server is in Aniverse in the channel #aa-fansubs. That's where you can download the newest all the way up to 26 which is the last one.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2003

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