downloding anime : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anyone know where i can download full eps of megaman NT warrior ?

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003


it's not that great of a series if you are above the age of 10.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003

yeah the guys right but if you are desperate then search in google "Rockman EXE Episode downloads" Rockman exe is the japanese version of megaman but it is subbed so you can understand. its short but one site has at least 1-30

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

UMM UMm its very hard to get from the net soo i sugest you get kazaa and kazaa hack and then use kazaa hack for unlimited search (search rockman exe ) then search till u get like rockman exe -1 and stuff

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003

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