What' the deal with Songo and Miroku?

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What's the deal with Songo and Miroku? Are they in love or what? I think they are, but I'm not sure.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003


i think they r too but i dont know either. i think it would be great if they were!!

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

Yeah they are but they don't really want to "say" anything until Naraku is defeated because than Miroku's wind tunnel would be destroyed and he be safe and Sango would get her brother back. It's a relationship where they don't want to get involved until all the big problems are "out of the way"^_^

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

lol, yes they are in love... have you see the latest episodes of Inuyasha? It's very clear from seeing those.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003


its Sango isn't it?

anyhow its true Love :D and its not because narakus alive its cause mirokus an idiot

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

rrrrright.....Miroku's a travling "monk".He has such a thing for the ladies.But i havent seen InuYasha in a while.It'll come back on soon hopefully....But ive seriously gotta refresh my memory.or else ill be soooo behind when the new episodes come on!

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

The get engaged in the manga.

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2003

It'll take you a while to see all the "new" episodes if you are only following the dubs. The show is on episode 118 in Japan. Try dling them from a BT because you'll get to see all of it a lot sooner and then you can make fun of the dubbies who call Inuyasha's Sanko Tetsou "Iron Raber Soul Stealer" and Miroku's Kazaana "Wind Tunnel" or "Air Void" like I do. ^_^

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2003

If you want to see the moments between Miroku and Sango go to http://members.lycos.co.uk/mirokusango/ That is a great website!^_^

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003

its so obveous its sad i mean come on mirokus such a flirt i know cause im one myself. butthey are so going to get together but i do agree that miroku is an idiot but heres a question isnt there a 24hr chat line for this kinda stuff post it

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

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