Anime music video : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Please help me, I need to find music video to download with no wait, unless it's 80 seconds.Any music video should be fine, but I mostly need some Yu Yu Hakusho, Kenshin or Samuri x, Inuyasha, Fuungi Yuugi and DBZ music video. Thank you so much and if you have questions about this, just say it and I'll try to awnser it.

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2003


You can get lots of AMVs off of WinMX. It's a peer to peer program. If you don't want to wait for a download to start only download files where the the sever/status is green. The green means that there are slots available for download on that file, so when you double click it to download it you won't be queued because there is no one ahead of you in line. ^_^

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2003

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