what happened last night!?!? :(greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
why wasnt .hack on last night at the usual time? did they take it off the air?
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
I don't know what happened, but I don't like it.
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
Kenshin didn't come on either, just some cartoon cartoon marathon. :(
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
that sux! i hope its on next saturday. if its not i will be forced to complain to them! LoL!
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
No, no, they didnt take it off air. It was the "Kids Next Door Misson Weekend," or something like that. I am pretty sure all the regular shows will be on next weekened.
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
it will be on next week i am sure and the eps is called Catastrophe. so just watch next weeks .Hack//SIGN and it will be called Catastrophe hope that helps
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
oh good!! i was gunna die otherwise! LoL!
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
its sad that we would die if a anime comes off the air! lol..
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
lol! its perfectly normal!
-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003
oh adults taking over cn it was stupid but if they do it again i'll, i'll, i'll *vain pops* uhe...^__^'
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003