Is there a diff. between american english dubs and english english dubs? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Is there?
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
Why would they change dubs? It's basically the same language just with some minor differences. No it is the same language that's stupid bored
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
Yeppers? god bored this guy talks so's not me
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
i agree with flames
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
Will this stupid ADD 12 year old kid ever shut up?! He keeps typing both sides because he wants attention and ruin threads and be so fucking annoying that nobody can stand it! Now stop you moron!
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
Shut up, Yusuke.You know nothing.
-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003
I'm sixteen moron, oh and It's "she" SesshoumaruToukijin's right, you know nothing.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003