Naruto Episodes : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm sure this has been asked before but, where can I get Naruto episodes (as if the subject line didn't ask it)? Please don't say Kazaa or something because I am WAY too impatient to have to sit and download them off Kazaa, if anyone has a site with wav files or mp3's that would be much better... those usually don't take as long for me. Thanks. Ja ne~

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003


get it at

You have to get bit torrent first

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003


-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

no problem

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

What do you mean mp3 or wav files? Thats audio files. Anyway, I download mine from Or you could buy it, it would only be a couple bucks if you dont by it in dvd or vcd format. 20 at the most for all the 30+ that is out so far.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

Bit torrent could be as slow as kazaa sometimes by the way. If you think about buyin it, ebay is the only place to go.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

I posted this before:

new releases:

old episodes packs 2-10 (4eps. at a time):

old episodes individual 1& 21-36 : //


all bittorent and btw bittorrent only goes slow if you have a shit connection or if the file is not seeded since all the naruto eps. are on a high speed server. you could also go to # anbudom@mircx on mIrc.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

if you want to buy naruto, but it off of ebay or amazon.....but to tell will take a week to deliver

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

ermm...guys bittorent doesnt seem 2 work on my winxp- i tried dl d latest version (3.1.2 or sumting, out early last yr) but since its a command line tingy, guess it doesnt work well on xp (or i m doin sumting wrong)/ nyways, can ny1 gimme an alternative (hopefully a site 2 get an older version).

sorry outta topic, but guess it would also help others with similiar probs.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003

you can get some of the episodes from Toriyama's world, or you can email me with the subject Naruto Episodes and i'll email you back with a way to get in touch with me and i'll upload them to you

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

From my experience BT is actually slower than kazaa on month old files. BT is still valuable because it can fix corrupted file and is the first source of new fansubs.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

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