NARUTO 45 OUT!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread


-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003


BAH! I can't find it! anywho, when do the new episodes usually come out? Like 1 per week on a Sunday or something?

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

i can't seem to find it anywhere on kazaa...

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

nope cant find it

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003


-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

Naruto Comes out (on average) (by AonE and ANBU) late fridays.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

I go on that site every week it is not there!

Dont ask me my it always is

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

Naruto is played in jap on a wednesday

Then is edited (english subs..) and put on every friday night/saturday but 45 it is late for some reason probs tomorrow i am trying to look for it every where but can't find it when i do i will sent the link

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

Hey, I am looking for a naruto episode but i dont know what one it is it is when naruto gets all angry and beats the shi* out of haku (you know the one with the mirrors)

help plz!

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

Naruto 45 isn't out yet. It's not.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

Naruto is usually fansubbed by friday night at midnight, saturday at the latest, but episode 45 is late because of the major power outage, so who knows when we'll get it. it'll be available soon, as anbu-aone are excellent at timely releases. you can get it through bit torrent at: or through mirc or you can just wait for it to appear in kazaa. also i'd reccommend reading tha manga, it's a lot farther along than the anime. you can get the most recent chapters at: http://user.cs.tu- but for the first 105 chapters, you'll need to look in kazaa or mirc because it was liscensed.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003

You guys do know the power outages might have something to do with this right

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003

Ah.. so thats the reason.. I was worrying that the translator had stopped translating and that they couldnt find replacement for him/her.. That HAS hapened for me once before.. I hope they get it out to us sometime soon tho..

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003

To CHRIS: The ep where Naruto slaps the taste out of Haku's mouth is Ep 17 (beats using that time to dl eps that aint the right one!) i'm up to ep 42...and it still kicks major ass. enjoy

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003

So is the final consensus that Naruto 45 hasn't come out yet?

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003

Why is Anbu so slow? I want my 45 bitches!

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003[SaiyaManRelease] Naruto45.SUBBED.avi.torrent

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Damnit i NEEEEEEEEEEED EPISODE 45 BAAAAAAD... i know whats gonna happen but i gotta see it!

P.S: Naruto kicks Sasuke's ass anyday!

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

...Saiyaman just took down Naruto 45 due to limit exceed...I tried looking for someone on KaZzA who may have gotten the whole file before he everyone off, but no luck...dammnniitt, SO CLOSE!

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Naruto 45 is out, but i got mine from then go to series and go down the list till you see "Naruto" you need vobsub to play it and the timing is off for the subtitles so its kinda shitty that way......

so for all thoose peeps saying its not out you obviously can't find it.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

ummm.... my apologys looks like i DL the whol thing befor he took it off his site ill put it on kazaa for all ;)

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

I got Naruto 45 the Raw video with no subs which sucked from but they took it down after one day, my guess is they are still making the subtitles.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

It's downloading, I'll have it in 20 minutes or less woohoo. :P

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

question the one you are downloading does it have subtitles

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

does your mom have subtitles?

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

I've downloaded this sayaman (whatever) download. i can't see any subs!!! u've mentioned something about vobsub, how can i use vobsub? i've installed the plugin, but i still can't see the subs...

plz mail the awns3r to

greetz morph

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

SaiyaMan released both the raw and the subbed for ep 45 but now they've taken off the subbed version. so the one u've got is probably the raw one.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Hey, Kellet Stack, is the episode 45 you shared on kazaa subbed or not? I just wanted to make sure 'cause I'm trying to download the Saiyaman Naruto episode. Arrigato!


-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

I have put a Naruto 45 on Kazaa for u ppl to d/l

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Too bad kazaa is forbidden in singapore!!! i have to wait for to update it first....haiz~

-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003

since when is kazaa forbidden in spore? i'm using kazaalite right this moment. but i know they said they're 'going to take action'.

-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003

according to some people...more than 50 people in S'pore had be fine heavily... i am not really sure but almost none of my friend is using it... i think the only thing we forbidden to download here is those copyright things and porn...guess so...

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

according to what i know, it's still difficult to sue us kazaa users cos RIAS has to get the isp from Starhub,PacificNet, etc but there's also the law that disallow our isp providers from disclosing private info unless there's a court order to do so. but it's better to be safe than sorry of course. thank god there's still bittorrent...

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

P2P is only one way to download stuff from many. Even if they kill P2P it won't stop users. (well the ones who are smart enought).

I almost don't use P2P programs like kazaa, I rip stuff myself or I download it from news or FTP servers.

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

NARUTO 46 IS OUT!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NARUTO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2003

OmG hinata lose... wonder how she will feel when she awake Darn i wanan WAtCH naRUTO 45!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2003

Well i watched Naruo45&46 and i'm downloading 47... does 47 have shit audio or something? anyway i'm downloading right now so we'll c... I hope the bitch wins... the other guys a cock.

i cant wait for the matched to be over... and I wanna see the who the sand guy fights with.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003

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