Alhambra Theater : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I'm looking for any and all information about the Alhambra Theater on Polk. Designers, architects, what played there, old photos, articles, anecdotes. Thanks! Carel

-- Carel Bertram (, August 15, 2003


It was very carefully restored to its full glory sometime in the late 80s. I hope it changed management, too, since the previous owners had a nasty habit of starting the features without any trailers between them -- almost always ensuring you missed the beginning of the movie.

-- Rosa (, August 17, 2003.

The Alhambra 'went dark' as a theater several years ago but has been reborn as one of those ubiquitous workout-gym sites. Its exterior still retains its Moorish-influenced architecture, but god only knows what the new management did to the wonderful interior.

-- John Martini (, August 17, 2003.

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