confirmation name change : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Is it possible that after a person receives confirmation to change their confirmation name? So one is confirmed under one name and then the person decides that that name is no longer suited for the way the person is, or what they want to do, or so on.

-- Scott (, August 15, 2003


Hello, Scott.

I believe that taking a name at Confirmation is something that is customary in the West, but that one is not "locked into" that name forever -- spiritually speaking. Careful about secular legalities though. If you have identified yourself on a legal document with the name originally taken, you need to continue to identify yourself that way. Why not just add a second patron, rather than replace the first?

I believe that not all (if any) Eastern Christians take/receive names, since a late uncle of mine (baptized and confirmed as an infant) had no middle name(s) at all.

Perhaps someone will have better information and/or a wiser suggestion than mine.

God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (, August 16, 2003.

It's not compulsory to choose a confirmation saint, nor to take his/her name in order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

If we do have a confirmation saint then we do so to emulate someone who's led a good Christian life and to perhaps ask for their help, via prayers, in our own Christian journey.

I've not heard of the practise of inserting your confirmation name as a middle name. Perhaps that's something that happens in the USA.

So, basically Scott, you may choose any saint you wish as 'your' special saint. There's no reason to have to change the confirmation name.

God bless


-- Sara (, August 17, 2003.

Really? That must be new. We couldn't get confirmed without one.

-- GT (, August 17, 2003.

No, it's not new GT. As John said, it's 'customary' to take one. It's just a custom, not an absolute necessity.

God bless

-- Sara (, August 17, 2003.

We were basically told that if we didn't already have a "saint's name" as part of our legal name, then we needed one....

-- GT (, August 17, 2003.

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