D.N.Angel 20 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

D.N.Angel 20 is out know get that shit!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003


sweet!! thanx so much!

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

why does it shake? is it because itsa shiddy quality?

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

no. its sumthing to do with codec, i think. you hab to download the mplayer from the Shounen-Ai Fansubs website. This is how i watched it as good quality.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

get ffdshow. it's good for both DivX and XviD

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

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