Old El Cap video

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I've been trying to find a copy of an old El Cap video that I used to watch with my climbing buddy back in the late '80's. I think it was called "the wall" (no relation) and looked like it was probably filmed in the mid or late '70's. The route in the movie was the Nose. Highlights include guys sleeping in potato sacks on the bivy ledges, and a really noisy fall in the dark, followed by laughter when one of the guys comes unclipped somehow. You used to be able to order this video out of the back of Climbing magazine, but it's like it's disappeared off the face of the earth. Anyone know where I could find a copy?


-- Steve Latham (hawgdrver@alaska.com), August 17, 2003


It is probably "El Capitan" -a film by Fred Padula 1978. Four climbers: Gary Colliver, Richard McCraken, Lito Tejada-Flores and Glen Denny (who filmed) climbed The Nose. You can buy it in Chessler Books, catalog 107 Spring-Summer 2003 # EV1832 tel:(800)654-8502, (303)670-0093 , E-mail: chesslerbk@aol.com Jacek Czyz

-- Jacek Czyz (jacolczyz@wp.pl), August 24, 2003.

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