I want a store to buy inuyasha stuff around...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

around areas Pennsylvania and NewYork I'd like to find a store to buy inuyasha stuff.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003


Well, i don't live anywhere near Pennsylvania and New York (i live in California), but i think u should have a store called Walden Books somewhere, they have some Inuyasha manga and a couple of inuyasha dvds (which i don't think is a good idea to buy, on each dvd they only have like 3 episodes and it costs $30) You could also see if u have a Japan town (somehow i'm pretty sure they have it in New York)U could buy Inuyasha manga for about $5 !!! In japanese though but there's this great site where the whole manga (that's been released in Japan that is) is already nicely translated.=)


That's pretty much everything i can tell u, sorry i couldn't be more specific.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003

Suncoast, FYE, Borders, BestBuy, Circut City, and if its just something like dbz Walmart might have it.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003

None of the American stores have the good stuff. The Japanese DVDs are already up to the 70-80's, whilst the crappy American ones are only up to the 20-36 area.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003

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