PLEASE STOP!!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

PLEASE! STOP MAKING FUN OF OTHER CONTRIES!!Go ahead and tell me to f**k myself. Im just tried of going to an anime forum and seeing "Screw this contriy" or "Screw that one" I know I know, This post isn't anime ethier, but I promise I'll stop when other people stop.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003


ummmmm what is CONTRIES?

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

good for you! thank you for saying that but i think it better to let them run their mouths off till they get tired and find something else to talk about

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

me = supports the next nuke to be dropped on Charlotte's house.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

me=supports next person to tell off!!

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

me = hungry.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Screw canada.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003


-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

it's useless telling pp to stop cos they won't care. it dun really bother me when pp go 'screwing' other countries. i'm not so patriotic, so even if pp 'screw' my country i won't give a damn. it's not like a real bomb is going to drop on my head anyway.

there's no such thing as PEACE AND LOVE in this forum. everyday there's a war going on. sometimes it's amusing to read. sometimes it get annoying when i get pissed by some idiots...but that's life...

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

I concur with Nobody... errr the one posted above mine

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Love and peace will never be achieved unless every single idiot in this world is purged, and that would be slaughter.

So when true love and peace is finally attained, it will be when all life on Earth ceases to exist.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Thanks sesshosgirl,'s mother never really wanted a baby anyway. BTW, I don't live in the US for crist's sake.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

Go f**k yourself.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

what the ....................fuck this

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2003

by the way go f**k you're self

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

Yo dude.... This is good.... talking shit like love and peace. Well do you believe that.... See trough your selve... Do you fill like that.. No!... Every human being born into this world with the attention to distroying it selves. That why human react to vilont. Love and piece is a matter of contolling your selves. Think about it or you can say fuck off....

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

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