about naruto 45 and 46greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
sorry to annoy you about a so frequently asked subject ... but does any1 know a website with a valid torrent link, which can be used to get naruto 45 or even 46?thnx in advance.
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003
naruto 45 http source at http://www.animesynopsis.com
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003
! I know this thread is from forever and ages ago, but please help! I cannot find a working torrent for Naruto 45 ANYWHERE!!! I tried those two links but I think they're outdated now...they don't work! Does anyone know any other places where I can d/l it SUCCESSFULLY?? Every time I try a torrent, it says it's unable to connect....
-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003
You can get naruto Episode 46 at http://a.scarywater.net/aone/ As for naruto 45, there isn't one that I have seen, and I have been looking and asking around -_-. Jus downlaod the magna for now, and wait till someone successfully subs it. ~Lee~
-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003