FLCLgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Does NE1 know where to dl flcl eps 1-6? i cant find it
-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003
I typed in "FLCL" on both Kazaalite and WinMX and I found all 6 episodes there. Most of them averages around 160 MB each. They're probably subbed and not dubbed but they are there if you want them.
-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003
yeah, on kazaalite the only dubbed version I saw was 400 MB and in .ogm format.
-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003
Hey, i have the soundtrack on the computer, here is the website :)I dont if it is the real soundtrack but it has 21 songs
Email me if you like it Postinotebob@comcast.net
I cant find any other fans of the music, no one who has heard of it here
-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003