DNAngel 21 is outgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
just if anyone doesn't know DNAngel 21 is out and sub, you can find it in here http://www.toriyamaworld.net/bt/
-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003
Can you guys stop posting when ever a new episode comes out.DAMN!
-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003
why not?!??! you nuts!! thats a good idea to post it, dnangel only comes out once a week!
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2003
Don't start it!It's filling the the forunm you FAG,that's why he should.
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2003
how is it filling the forum up? what's filling the forum are flamers and hentai geeks and lifeless people like you
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2003
Some time in 2004 DNAngel is coming out by TokyoPop.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
It's ADV.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003