help on inu-yasha : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hi. um... can anyone suggest any sites for downlading inu-yasha episodes for free? i've tried WinMX, gakter (or watever it's called), DivX, and a couple others and they haven't worked for me. *sigh* wat's a girl to do? anywho, if you have any useful info please please PLEASE e-mail me ^_^ (and yes i no i'm a freak, but i jus luv anime and manga soooooo much)^_^ Thanks. ~the one and only Kiki
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
Sites are very hard to come by, and most of the episodes they have are very bad quality. All of the sites I knew about have closed down as well, so I would have to say that although they are slow peer to peer networks are your best bet.By the way, what kind of problems are you having with WinMX? I might be able to help you if you tell me. I'm in the process of making an in depth tutorial for beginners on it for my website.
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
i have trouble downloading eps because it keeps saying i'm queued at a posistion i wait until it is queued at posistion one, but it keeps moving me back a queue line....HELP! It won't find any sources or anything at all
-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003
Your download sometimes stops because the source that was giving it to you either left or somehow disconnected from you. You have to keep waiting until your queue is pushed up infront again and resume download.Too many leechers with so little patience.
-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2003
i only have have say is : DOWNLOAD ANIME FROM KAZAA LITE.......-___^.
-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003
Kazaa is ok when people actually let you dl the eps. I'm trying to right now, but people aren't letting me. Evil brother won't tell me anything else to dl the eps. from.
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
The best i have say is Kazza. I dl up to 127 and im lookin for more yp kik how many u got
-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003