Hello everyonegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I'm Captain Tipwilly. I teach band. I love idiot Ms. Runyan. She has a wee wee. Please talk back. Thank you.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2003
.........what ?..................do you have a dick girl fetish?.............or have i misunderstuanded
please correct me if im wrong
P.S not being rude just???
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
Ignore it. Some idiot has been going around and posting a bunch of dumbfuck all over the board in several different names.
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
This is fun... I read so many funny stuff in this forum... Who the hell is Tipwilly.... Ms Runyan has a wee wee? Dude!
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
Perhaps this is why my dumbass detector went off on such a high reading.
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003