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I was gonna record IY the other day on TV so i turned my VCR on to check if it worked and nothing but the voices showed on my screen.I used to watch it when i was bored and it worked,and right now I am wathcing Evangelion video tape(from BlockBuster) and it works,Nothing i record works.Does any one know whats wrong with my VCR?
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
try cleaning the heads and see if that helps.
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
How can voices show up on a screen? Voice is sound, not video...
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
sorry bout that...
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
I dunno but please destroy the Evangelion movie. They are gonna give me an anurism.
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
err, I mean destroy it if its the movie. The series is okay and it won't be the cause of my death
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
Maybe you should destroy both just to be on the safe side :p.
-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003