An apology (yet another) : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hi folks

I just wanted to say sorry to those who I may have upset or offended by being a bit silly, rude or flippant, especially Joe, Ian, Art, Daniel H, Isabel, and Paul. Not to mention my appalling spelling and grammar! I am at the moment over stretching myself at work and in my spare time I’m equally stretched finding out as much about philosophy, theology and spirituality from a Catholic perspective as I can. Iwant to know everything and I want it NOW damit. It makes for very poor confusing posts. I need to chill out, reflect and talk to God for a while rather than shoot my mouth off on everything and anything all over the internet like a rabid dog. Ill see you all in a few weeks.

Peace and Love!

-- Kiwi (, September 01, 2003


Hi Kiwi, I'm not on your list, not that I need to be, but I'm just here to say, it's cool, God bless you. What's keeping you away for a few weeks? Theresa

-- Theresa Huether (, September 01, 2003.

Kiwi, the thing I love about you is your transparency. It is soooo refreshing. King David had that characteristic as did many other saints of old. Hey, you're in good company!


-- Gail (, September 01, 2003.

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