Đây là nguyên văn Bản thỉnh nguyện thư gửi Liên Hiệp Quốc yêu cầu xét lại việc thực thi Hiệp định Paris kư vào Ngày 27 tháng Giêng 1973.

Petitioner's signatures:

(A valid signature includes your Name and your Address.)





We, the undersigned, citizens, former soldiers, government staff and functionaries of the Republic of Viet-Nam, who are currently living in Vietnam or in other countries as political refugees:

• Deploring the invasion and occupation of the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam) by foreign forces (army of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam [North Vietnam]) as an act of aggression in violation of the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam signed in Paris on January 27, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as the Paris Peace Accords), the United Nations Charter and international law;

• Deeply concerned by the Security Council's failure to condemn the occupation of the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam) by foreign forces (army of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam [North Viet Nam]);

• Deeply troubled by the humanitarian crisis, violation of human rights, and destruction - with irreversible consequences - in South Vietnam under North Vietnam’s occupation and recognizing the urgent need for nonpartisan international assistance to the people of the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam);

• Deeply horrified by the continued misconduct and grossly disproportionate response of the North Vietnamse government and military toward the largely defenseless civilian population of the occupied territories of the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam);

• Deeply distressed about the limited, and largely ineffective, world response to the atrocities commited by the North Vietnamse government and military in South Vietnam;

• Reaffirm the applicability of the Geneva Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 to the occupied territories of the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam), as has been repeatedly affirmed by a myriad of United Nations General Assembly and Security Council resolutions as well as several meetings of High Contracting Parties to the Conventions;

• Recall the provisions of the Paris Pease Accords of 27 January 1973 detailing the obligations of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam (North Viet Nam) to respect the will and freedom of the people of the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam);

• Call upon the Security Council to restore peace and security in the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam) in accordance with the provisions of the Paris Pease Accords 27 January 1973 concerning Vietnam,

If the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to act with respect to the following matters relating to international peace and security,

• then we call upon all Member States of the United Nations to immediately convene an Emergency Meeting of the General Assembly to act accordingly.


- On April 30, 1975 the North Vietnamese Communist Party (known then as the Workers’ Party) of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam (North Vietnam) mobilized its army equipped with the most powerful arms, ammunitions, artillery and tanks to invade our country, the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam). Their well-planned and massive invasion unlawfully and inhumanly violated the Paris Peace Accords signed in Paris on January 27, 1973 by the following official representatives:

- Mr. William P. Rogers, Secretary of State of the United States of America.

- Mr. Tran Van Lam, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Viet-Nam.

- Mr. Nguyen Duy Trinh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam.

- Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Viet-Nam.

- The United States and its allies strictly honored and implemented the Paris Peace Accords to completely withdraw their armies from Vietnam and disengage all remaining weapons in Vietnam after January 27, 1973. On the contrary, the North Vietnamese Communist Party continued to secretly send many infantry battalions into South Vietnam. It finally seized ultimate power and completely controlled South Vietnam.

- With mild, enduring and peace-loving characteristics of our Vietnamese people, we patiently accepted horrible harassment and deep losses in exchange for probable peace after a long war. The citizens, soldiers, civilians, government staff and functionaries of South Vietnam have suffered horrendously in silence for the past 28 years (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2003).

- After 28 years of unlawful control of South Vietnam, the Communists of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam (North Vietnam) proved to be a group of heartless criminals. They have deceived the whole world, blatantly violated and destroyed the Paris Peace Accords that the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam was a solemn signatory. They have also failed to respect the United Nations Charter in which the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam (known now as the Socialist Republic of Viet-Nam) was also a signatory. Moreover, the North Vietnamese Communist Party has incessantly supported genocidal regimes, communist tyrants, including international terrorist organizations.

- After invading South Vietnam, the North Vietnamese Communists immediately disbanded the so-called Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Viet-Nam, a puppet organization that they created earlier in order to negotiate and sign the Paris Peace Accords of 1973 to deceive the whole world. Without the implicit or express consent of the South Vietnamese people, they illegally annexed South Vietnam into a Communist union with North Vietnam known as the Socialist Republic of Viet-Nam and used their Communist Party’s flag as the official national flag for this unlawful and ideologically-stricken union. Those terrible acts have exposed their rude determination to invade and dominate South Vietnam against the will of our peaceful people.

- After invading South Vietnam, the Communists exterminated many government officials and the army of the Republic of Viet-Nam. They also imprisoned, persecuted and tortured to death hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, religious leaders, military personnel, political dissidents, etc., in concentration camps without minimum food supply in dangerous living conditions. At the same time, they eradicated all traces of the Republic of Viet-Nam including the military cemetery of South Vietnam; this was truly a cruel and inhuman act beyond imagination. For the families of the deceased soldiers of South Vietnam, the Communists deliberately isolated and maltreated them and, as well, arbitrarily reassigned their residency to remote areas, sometimes in deep jungle areas.

- After invading South Vietnam, the Communists used forces of a tyrannical regime to govern Vietnam following examples of other communist countries. They oppressed the South Vietnamese people, who at present remain deprived of freedom, democracy and human rights. South Vietnam’s religious organizations were dispersed, forbidden to preach and considered as out-law organizations. The Communists caused millions of people to escape in dangerous conditions to seek political asylum in other countries. Many people were killed, raped, drowned or badly injured in their horrible escape. The Vietnamese Communist Party tirelessly imprisoned and eliminated political and religious dissidents including minorities in the west highland areas. Disillusioned Communists, who openly protested the evil acts of the Communist Party, are being terrorized daily.

- The North Vietnamese Communist authorities continue to ignore public opinion, deceive everyone, steal international assistance including humanitarian aid. They have traded kids, women of all ages and even yielded our national heritage land and sea territories to other countries in exchange for money and political support. The Communists have in fact terrorized 80 million unfortunate and pitiful lives in Vietnam.


• Call upon the Security Council enforce the rule of international law to restore peace and security in the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam) in accordance with the provisions of the Paris Peace Accords of 1973 concerning Vietnam,

If the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to act, then we call upon all Member States of the United Nations to immediately convene an Emergency Meeting of the General Assembly to act accordingly.

• Further call upon all Member States of the United Nations to support a General Assembly resolution to declare that all South Vietnam must be free of occupation and to take immediate action to enforce the provisions of the Paris Peace Accords of 1973 concerning Vietnam by requiring:

1. Firstly: North Vietnam has to pull her army back to the north of the 17th parallel, as designated by the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Viet-Nam dated July 20, 1954, and to respect the separation line between the North and the South of Vietnam as specified by the Paris Peace Accords of 1973. The Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam (North Vietnam), known now as the Socialist Republic of Viet-Nam, has to return all occupied territories belonging to the Republic of Viet-Nam (South Vietnam) to the people of the Republic of Viet-Nam.

2. Secondly: All parties have to respect the sanctified and inviolable right of self-determination of the people of South Vietnam to decide their political future through a democratic and free election under the supervision of the United Nations. Foreign countries do not have the right to assign any political regime or governance authorities on the people of South Vietnam, as stated in the Paris Peace Accords, Chapter 3, section 9.

3. Thirdly: The Republic of Viet-Nam agrees to cooperate with other signatories of the Paris Peace Accords to design and implement a concrete plan to unify Vietnam without the oppression of either South Vietnam or North Vietnam as established by the Paris Peace Accords, Chapter 5, section 15.

4. Fourthly: The Republic of Viet-Nam proposes an accommodating solution to avoid bloodshed as hereby described: Both South Vietnam and North Vietnam will be put under the control and protection of the United Nations for at least two years before having a fair and democratic general election under strict supervision of the United Nations. The people of both North Vietnam and South Vietnam will exercise the right to make their own political decisions such as choosing a political regime for Vietnam and electing officers to run their government and other public and private organizations.

5. Fifthly: If the North Vietnamese Communist Party continues to ignore the United Nations and other nations that signed and/or witnessed the signing of the Paris Peace Accords of 27 January 1973, or does not cooperate with the United Nations to reestablish peace in South Vietnam, the United Nations must take all measures to free our country, the Republic of Viet-Nam which had been blatantly seized and occupied illegally by the forces of the North Vietnamese Communist Party.

• If the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, and the General Assembly fail to act, then we call upon all allied countries, which previously assisted the Republic of Viet-Nam in our defense of freedom, to assist us by all means to liberate our country, the Republic of Viet-Nam which had been blatantly seized and occupied illegally by the forces of the Vietnamese Communist Party.

Petitioner's signatures:

-- Tran Khanh (, September 02, 2003


101,510 người Việt kư tên gửi LHQ chống hiệp ước biên giới TC-CSVN Orange County 11-8 (TH).- Cho tới nay đă có 101,510 người Việt Nam trên khắp thế giới kư tên trên bản kháng thư gửi Liên Hiệp Quốc phản đối các bản hiệp định biên giới và lănh hải mà CSVN kư với Trung Cộng vào các năm 1999 và 2000 vừa qua.

Bản kháng thư do Mạng Lưới Tuổi Trẻ Quốc Tế Vận Động Cho Dân Chủ Tại Việt Nam (The International Youth Network For Promoting Democracy in Vietnam) khởi xướng từ hơn một năm nay trên Internet đă được sự hưởng ứng rộng răi không những từ các người Việt cư ngụ trên thế giới, mà c̣n cả những người đang sống tại Việt Nam. Bản kháng thư thu thập chữ kư để gửi đến Tổng Thư Kư Liên Hiệp Quốc, Tổng Thư Kư Hiệp Hội ASEAN mà CSVN là thành viên. Bản kháng thư cũng đồng thời được gửi cho cả nhà cần quyền CS hiện tại ở Việt Nam và Trung Cộng.

Lănh thổ và lănh hải là thuộc về nhân dân. Không một ai, không một đảng phái hay nhà cầm quyền nào được phép đem đánh đổi lấy chỗ dựa chính trị (để tồn tại)." Bản kháng thư viết. "Các bản hiệp định (nói trên) đang tạo sự đe dọa nghiêm trọng đến sự toàn vẹn và lợi ích của nước Việt Nam".

Cho tới nay, các bản hiệp định không được phổ biến rộng răi cho dân chúng trong nước biết ngoài một vài hàng chữ ngắn ngủi xuất hiện trên báo đảng tường thuật có chuyện kư kết như vậy.

Năm 2001, một số tin tức tiết lộ ra ngoài từ nội bộ đảng CSVN nói rằng nhà cầm quyền Hà Nội đă nhượng lại cho Trung Cộng hơn 700 km2 đất liên dọc biên giới giữa hai nước trong đó có cả Thác Bản Giốc thuộc tỉnh Cao Bằng qua bản hiệp định trên đất liền kư ngày 25-12- 1999 tại Hà Nội.

Sau đó, CSVN c̣n nhượng cho Trung Cộng thêm 10,000 km2 lănh hải trên biển Đông. Nhiều bài viết từ trong nước gửi ra ngoại quốc bày tỏ sự phẫn nộ tạo thành một phong trào thật sôi nổi giữa các cộng đồng người Việt trên thế giới. Bản kháng thư phổ biến qua Internet qua địa chỉ được nhóm thanh niên trong đó có anh Trần Quế Sơn thực hiện đến nay vẫn c̣n đang tiếp diễn và được sốt sắng ủng hộ.

V́ dư luận người Việt hải ngoại quá sôi nổi, CSVN lẳng lặng cho phổ biến bản hiệp định trên bộ kư với Trung Cộng trên trang nhà của tờ nhật báo Nhân Dân điện tử một lần ngắn ngủi duy nhất hồi năm ngoái để cho người Việt nước ngoài nh́n thấy. C̣n dân chúng trong nước hoàn toàn không được biết.

Việc phổ biến bản hiệp định vừa nói không có kèm theo chi tiết của bản đồ và tọa độ của các cột mốc nên không ai có thể kiểm chứng là chế độ bán nước CS Hà Nội đă "không bán đứng" một phần lănh thổ và lănh hải của ông cha để lại cho ngoại bang nhưng họ chống chế. Cho tới nay, bản hiệp định về lănh hải và quyền đánh cá biển đông vẫn chưa được quốc hội hai bên thông qua.

-- Tran Khanh Hoang (, September 02, 2003.

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