man oh man is itt me or some people are not been nice and not given out good anime websites : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

all we ask is that please don't hold back and tell us a good anime website if u know one and don't hold back

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003


We do not tell you because there aren't any.

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003

What do you mean a good anime website? If you're talking about for downloading anime good luck because there aren't hardly any out there that carry a decent number of episodes in decent quality. I keep telling you people that there's a reason everyone tells you to use IRC, Kazaalite, or WinMX!!!

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003

-there thats the best i can do.

P.S:I like d anime inuyasha!-So give me a website for multimedia

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003

Anime websites are posted up in my new forum. Various anime. Check it out. /get_anime

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

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