What do you use to play Bit Torrent Files?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I downloaded and epidsode of Naruto but i can't play it on WMP it says it's corrupt or sumthing.... anyone wanna help me please? =D
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
Try using divx player...you can get it free at www.divx.com that should make it work. and if not which one is it and i will send it to you in messenger.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
a .torrent file is not an actual file itself, rather it contains information about the size of the file, the address of the tracker that allows you to connect to other people to download and upload, and other statistics that concerns the torrent. Go to http://ei.kefro.st/projects/btclient/ to download it from any link, then when you download a bt file, you open it, decide where to save the actual file, and let the download proceed.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
whoops... turns out i'm a dumbass... sry the reason was because it was still downloading... hehe sry... >_<
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003