Where can I get episodes of Naruto off the internet that isn't BitTorrent? I've tried but the person only had 1 episode so please answer, I will be eternally grateful. Thanks!
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
Not bit torrent? I guess the only other choice is Kazaa Lite.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
maybe it was just the site u were looking at... u should go to www.animesuki.com... works for meh
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
I got them all off of Kazaa and it only took me about 24 hours with dsl!
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003
Sorry to dissapoint you guys, but I don't have or really want kazaa or kazaa lite, I got a virus from both so I don't trust it anymore, and I know of animesuki, I mean like where you click on it and it starts to download as a file not BitTorrent.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
why did you post that!? now im scarred for life... -_-
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
who the fuck posted that shit[not the question. the porn site] what is up wit u ediots this is an anime forum so 2 speack chat room and people like should get kicked out of the anime room for not talking about anime and giving out false websites.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
ubb, u do know good stuff but, scary.... perhaps u should go see doctor or somethin'
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
I know a site where you can download it using netpumper!The speeds are freaking FAST!!!
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
There is a thread in the Anime archives that has your answer. The site has Kenshin, Evangelion, Naruto, and DBZ episodes. Low-quality so they can be downloaded by 56k users. I can't remeber the site name, so go back in the archives and find it.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003
could some one answer me this who the heck has ever download naruto over 300kb/sec cause i have this version that i could see how other people are download the same thing todayt i was download ing anbui and animeone naruto ep 49 and i saw some people even downloaded at 1000kb/sec i am like crazy and i have dsl and i am downloading at 5kb/sec the most! so could some one tell me how to set my kb/secs cause i know my dsl could go up to 300kb/secs
-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003
Could anyone tell me where to find all Dragonball/Z/GT episodes??? it would be nice if it were a site where the downloads actually starts... e-mail me or write to me at msn.
-- Anonymous, September 29, 2003
allso from the site above www.dbznetwork.com but you have 2 make a profile and then media you will found outpsychopill
-- Anonymous, October 19, 2003