Was Seta Soujiro really better than Kenshin?

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I did some digging about Seta Soujiro's profile: background, fighting style, otaku opinion. And according to what I found, his speed exceeds that of Kenshin's. I saw the eps. of Seta VS. Kenshin in the final round of their duel. If Seta didn't lose his composure, that does mean that he could've killed Kenshin in a flash or what?

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003


i think he coulda....

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

Well, Soujiro is of course faster than Kenshin in regular battle. But Kenshins succession technique is more superior in speed and skill than Soujiro. Think about it, Kenshins fight with Shishio, even if kenshin's succession technique were to miss, Soujiro would still be dragged in by the space between them caused by the technique, and kenshin woulda had an even bigger opening. Basically, Soujiro would have still lost because Kenshins technique is infinitely superior.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

Its basically a 50/50 chance of who was winning. Soujiro had the upper hand in natural speed. He probably would have won for 2 reasons. A: If he didn't crack and shown his emotion. And B: If they didn't come down to a straight duel between techniques. I felt so bad for Soujiro when he lost. He didn't even get an answer

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

So we're looking at 2 different aspects here not just 1. If they were to do those sword-slashing attacks, Seta has the upperhand. However, I didn't think Kenshin has the superior supermoves than him. (the webmasters didn't state this from their personal opinions)

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

i reckon soujiro wouldnt have been caught by the vacuum, cos he did the battou-jutsu, which involves him passing the enemy and slicing them in half, so he would have run past the area where the vacuum would have bee, provided he evaded the attack of course.

i dont think he could have killed kenshin, because even when kenshin couldnt predict his attacks, he evaded them only really being hhurt once in his back. and soujiro and the way he fights (pauses to talk - before he lost his composure/went mental) would have allowed kenshin to take a stance and probably he would have challenged kenshin to the same situation regardless, like they did in that village

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

Soujiro was very talented, I still think he had the potential to be able to defeat Kenshin. Like as previous people said, if it weren't for his emotions finally caving in, he probably would've defeated him. And also, young kids in reality have more potential than older aged people because of the agileness and able to control their own movements easier..

But since the story is supposedly based on Kenshin himeself, I'm sure they would've angered a lot of people if Soujiro killed him right off there.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

Very good point gaidensensei. Well heheh, I wouldn't care if he killed Kenshin right there (even if it angers KH otakus). I like them both perspectively, but he's not the protagonist so... Oh I also want to ask, I also found out that there's another saga after the Kyoto Arc. I forgot what it was entitled but the story revolves around Kenshin VS. the grown-up kid who's a brother to Kenshin's first wife (in the Samurai X OVAs). Anyone know why the manga series didn't span an anime ver.?

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

Wow.. I do believe Seta Soujiro would win..

First off, Kenshin did state that Soujiro wasn't going at his full potential.

Secondly, when he was at 1-step away from the full Shukushu (i think thats what its called) , he basically has Kenshin paralyzed and just blocking his attacks, had he done his full ultimate attack right then and there, bam, Kenshins dead.

Lastly, Kenshin only won by screwing with Soujiros head, plus Soujiro wanted to know why he spared the people he beat.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

Soujiro would of won. There is no doubt in my mind that Soujiro could of killed Kenshin if he hadnt screwed with his mind.

And, on Sou's attacks.

Its the "Shuku-Chi" but I guess we'd say "Shukuchi" its unbelievably fast and Sou still hadnt used it to the max. If he had done the full- blown Shuku-Chi right there, Kenshin would be dead. Heh.

But not to worry. Remember that Sou is only 18[even though he looks 12, its true...] and Kenshin is nearly 30. Everyday Kenshin grows older and older when Sou is still very very young.

If Sou keeps on training while being a rurouni, he'll definetly be able to defeat Kenshin even if he used the Amakakeru Hyo no Hirameki.

Whoo! Go Soujiro!

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003

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