Neon Genesis : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What goes first? End of Evangelion, or Death and Rebirth. Also, does it continue on from the show, or seperate? If so, I hope it leaves a better ending.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003


Death and Rebirth is a review of what has happened in the tv series, end of evangelion is the movie that comes after the end of the series.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

Well...think....does Death and Rebirth or END of Evangelion go first? ^_~

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2003

Death and rebirth is sort of a summary, but as your watching that movie it has a few extra stuff, its mostly for the hardcore veiwer and a recap because it came out a few years after the EVA series ended. The End of Evangelion is the actual movie and its after everything, its the last of the last, but its actually the only movie, and this movie consists of two parts, they should be right after each other,but be warned, that is the typical name, but there are other names, I'm not sure, probably, onomonopiac(can't spell) translations of the actualy japanese title, but don't take my word for it. In either case look for END OF EVANGELION, thats the movie.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2003

Death and rebirth, goes first, cause the dvd i have the begining of the ending movie is at the end of Death and Rebirth. Anyway nge is the bombass

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003

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