PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anybody know where I can download more and faster anime music and videos rather than Kazaa???

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003


Well, Kazaa and other p2p sites aren't always the fastest way to get anime but they are by far the best way to get it. Simply because you can search and find just about anything you want. If you want to try some direct links visit my forum and check out the looking for anime section. Lots of members have posted various links there. Check it out. /get_anime

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

The fastest way of d/ling anime are from good ftp sites or xdcc servers from irc.

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

you could get kazaa speed up or whatever it's called to speed up your downloads

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

That thing doesn't make any difference, as far as I can see.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

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