Whenever I download a song it messes up in the middle!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I heard the RIAA was gonna send a bug around so you couldnt listen to the full song, I can listen to my old songs but not the ones i try to download! what should i do?
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
Heh you just downloaded a "disrupted" song from the RIAA. They are starting to upload disrupted songs.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
So not all the songs I download will be disrupted right? Because the last two songs in a row were disrupted
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
stay away from the 128 bitrate ones that have a lot of sources.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
damn you still go here!
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
Heh, that happened to me a couple of times when I downloaded american music off kazaa. I just looked for a song with the same name but with a slightly different file size. like a couple kbs bigger or smaller. It always works.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
thanks guys
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
And also any bandwith that i think is 3960 or 3906 is automatically bad... they are all messed up files
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003
Only bandwidth I find on kazaa is 39 (sigh).
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003