digimon fans!! when are they gonna bring digimon 2 the movie out in america[ u know movie 4,5, and 6 together like the first movie that came out]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

cause u know it has been a long time since they came out with digimon the movie in america but what i don't understand is that if digimon 4,5, and 6 are done in japan why havn't they translated or brought the movie 2 theaters lately!

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003


If they're going to edit them together it would be better if they don't bring it to America.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003

I doubt they will ever bring the rest of the Digimon movies to North America ... because we are well past season 2 and 3 now, and that's what movies 4, 5 and 6 are about ... so unless you can download them then I doubt you'll ever get to see them.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003

It's not likely that they are ever going to bring any more digimon movies to america, the anime is basically dead both in Japan and America. They wouldn't bring movies 4,5, and 6 together anyways since movie 4 is from season 2, and 5 and 6 are from season 3.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003

Hey you digimon fans are you wondering why they have`nt showed digimon season 5,6,7 is because digimon frontier was the last. Toei animation the makers of digimon stop showing digimon. It`s up to us to save the digital world. We have to convice toie animation that there are thousands of digimon fans like I said it`s up to us to save the digital world. For those of you ready to save the digital world go to www.PetitionOnline.com the is a petition to convice toei animation to show digimon season 5,6,7 and the seacond digimon movie!!! It`s up to us to sign the petition and save the digital world!!!

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2003

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