I tryed everything but bittorrent help plez?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
emish and kazaa are too slow i dowenloaded bittorrent but it dose'nt work pleaz help it just says bittorrent is installed.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003
WinMX is faster... go to winmx.com to get it
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003
i think that;s all u need. Once it's installed, just to to a Bit Torrent site, and click on the thing u want to download, and download it. it'll ask u to save it somwhere, and then u just save it, and it'll start the donwload. Also, if u crash the computer or somthing, just save the file where u did the last time, and it'll start donwnloading from there. hope that helps, rAlF
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003
winmx sux
-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003