still dosen't work : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I tryed to download a file but all it says is bittorrent has instulled. what should i play the file as?

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003


Your a Fucking Idiot!!!!!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003

Can you elaborate on the problem? Where exactly did you go, what exactly did you click on and what exactly happened after that? And ignore mansom, he's not important.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003

i agree man whats the problem...and mansom your a jackass!!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003

lol nvr can find bittorrent sites and i still dont know how to use bittorrent

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003

well i played i found a file called star ocane 3-5 and i downloded it i tryed to play it on my real time player and it said it had to download new software to play the clip so i said yes and it said new software is not found and i clicked on details but all it said is bittorrent so i figred i had to download it so i did that but when i play it in bittorrent all it says is it has instulled and when i play it on realtime player it says download bittorrent. so what should i do next and thanx guys for the help ^^

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

I still don't understand. Where did you click on the torrent file and are you sure it was a torrent? When you clicked on it, did the Bittorrent client pop up and start downloading the file itself or did you just end up saving the torrent to your computer? Go back and click on the torrent and let the Bittorrent client handle it until it says "Finished." Then use a much better player than Real Player (blech) to play the file and see.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

Those guy are fucking idiot. I agree with mansom. If you dont know read the thing related to bittorent. And controller J weither there understand what u tring to say.... IF U DONT KNOW.... READ THE HOLD THING UNTIL U UNDERSTAND go to-->

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

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