warning! this cf card cannot be read

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

can anybody help me with my problem. i dont know waht happened to my cf card. it says "warning !! cf card cannot be read." how can i restore my photos? hope somebody can help me. thanks in advance.

-- anna pia montesines (minicake_16@yahoo.com), September 15, 2003


I don't have the answer, I am experiencing the same problem, I have a Sandisk 256 Mb. Wondering if this batch of memory is defective. Suggest buying two 128 Mb, if one goes bad you have a backup. Hate to lose all those photos. Let me know if you find a solution, thanks..

-- alan (al_doi@hotmail.com), October 26, 2003.

Please, I am needing to decide problem the same. He leaves to know me if you to find a solution, gratefulness.

-- Douglas (tavaresdouglas@hotmail.com), December 19, 2003.

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