Why does toonami kids wb and foxbox all suck

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Well I know the answer but if they are gonig to show anime they should not cut it for little 8 yaer olds don't you guys agree with me.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003


I concur. Funniest thing ever is when the edited out the guns in a Yu-Gi-Oh episode. I've given up on anime on basic cable (except for Adult Swim which is decent)

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

Well, I'll put it this way. To most American companies anything animated is kids only territory. They believe that is the only group they can market it to. To an extent they may be right.

The companies that butcher the anime for American children want to make money from more than just commercial time slots and video/DVD sales. They also want to do other marketing. Such as, action figures, card decks, clothing, games, and basically any other junk they can come up with. Truth be told, although there are some die hard anime fans out there that will buy that stuff most adult fans probably wouldn't be investing a lot of money in those things.

So what do the companies do? They "kiddify" the anime series. They tone it down a bit so that parents won't mind there little 5-10 years olds watching it. Then the kids get hooked on it and they want all of the action figures and other stuff that's out there for the anime. All one has to do is reflect back on the Pokemon craze to understand this.

It all comes down to the wonderful world of capitalism. Companies want the most bang for their buck, and they'll do whatever they think it will take to get that bang. Even if it means destroying a perfectly good anime. As long as it keeps the money rolling in, the companies are happy, and I don't really see that changing anytime soon.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

We already have legislators trying to ban gta3, we don't need them to use moronic excuses to ban anime too.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

I think that Kids WB and Foxbox suck. Toonami, on the other hand, tries hard to add as much as it can possibly add without getting in trouble for it. Honestly, it's not that bad. If your watching it to take it all in, then you've got to buy the series. I doubt someone could watch 26 episodes and get the whole thing straight on their first go. Toonami gives you, basically, the whole story line. They may cut out boobs here, chopped up body there, strangle hold with a officers jacket way over there, but, if your watching it for that, go buy faces of death and a cartoon porno and you'll be fine. Just don't hate on toonami. Besides, they showed Krillin get stabbed by Freiza's horn and got into deep shit for that already. they're the rebels mann let them keep those sensoring bastards on their toes...little biches...[HI MOM!!]

ps. Anonymous has got a good point too, so, shutup, stop complaining, and enjoy what u got.;]

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

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